The Art of Meditation: A Spiritual Journey Across Religions – Insights from Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds



Meditation is a practice that transcends the boundaries of religion, culture, and geography. It’s a spiritual journey that connects individuals with the profound and the divine, regardless of their faith. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale understands that meditation is a universal tool for nurturing the soul and deepening one’s spiritual connection. In this article, we’ll embark on a spiritual journey across various religions, guided by the wisdom of Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds, to explore the art of meditation and its transformative power.

Meditation in Christianity

Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds begins our journey by shedding light on meditation in Christianity. Contrary to the common misconception that meditation is exclusive to Eastern religions, Christianity has a rich tradition of meditation, often referred to as “Christian contemplative practice.”

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative prayer is a form of meditation deeply rooted in Christian tradition. It involves silent reflection and a personal encounter with the divine. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds explains that through contemplative prayer, Christians seek to deepen their relationship with God and experience His presence in a profound way.

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina, which means “divine reading” in Latin, is another Christian meditation practice. It involves the slow and deliberate reading of sacred texts, such as the Bible. Through Lectio Divina, Christians meditate on the words of scripture, allowing them to penetrate their hearts and minds, leading to spiritual insight and transformation.

The Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer is a short, repetitive prayer used in Christian meditation. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds explains that it consists of the simple phrase, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This prayer is often repeated rhythmically to create a meditative state and foster a deep connection with Christ.

Meditation in Buddhism

Our spiritual journey continues as we delve into the world of meditation in Buddhism. Buddhism is renowned for its meditation practices, and Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds offers insights into its various forms.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation, known as Vipassana in Buddhism, is one of the most well-known meditation practices. It involves cultivating awareness of the present moment, observing thoughts and sensations without attachment or judgment. This practice, as explained by Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds, leads to clarity of mind and profound insight.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation, or Metta, is a practice that focuses on cultivating feelings of love and compassion towards oneself and others. It involves repeating phrases or affirmations of goodwill and is designed to promote a loving and compassionate heart.

Zen Meditation

Zen meditation, also known as Zazen, is characterized by silent sitting and focusing on the breath or a koan (a paradoxical question or statement). It emphasizes direct insight into one’s true nature and the nature of reality itself. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds highlights Zen meditation as a path to enlightenment and awakening.

Meditation in Islam

Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds guides us to the practice of meditation in Islam. While prayer (Salat) is the most prominent form of spiritual connection in Islam, there are contemplative practices within the tradition.


Dhikr is a form of meditation in Islam that involves the repetition of the names and attributes of Allah. It is a means of remembrance and seeking closeness to God. Dhikr can be done individually or collectively and is a way to purify the heart and maintain mindfulness of the divine.

Quranic Meditation

Meditation on the Quranic verses is another spiritual practice in Islam. It involves deeply pondering the meanings of the Quranic text, seeking guidance, and reflecting on the wisdom contained within. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds explains that this form of meditation leads to a deeper understanding of the Quran and its teachings.

Meditation in Hinduism

Our spiritual journey takes us to the world of Hinduism, where meditation has been an integral part of the tradition for thousands of years.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are closely intertwined in Hinduism. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds elaborates that yoga is not just physical postures but also a spiritual practice aimed at self-realization and union with the divine. Meditation is a central component of yoga, leading to inner peace and self-discovery.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation involves the repetition of a sacred word, phrase, or sound. It is believed to have the power to transform consciousness and connect the practitioner with the divine. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds notes that mantras are used to calm the mind and attain spiritual insight.

Universal Themes in Meditation

As we conclude our spiritual journey, Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds emphasizes the universal themes that emerge from the practice of meditation across religions.

Inner Peace and Serenity

One common thread in meditation across religions is the pursuit of inner peace and serenity. Regardless of the religious framework, meditation aims to calm the mind, reduce suffering, and foster a sense of tranquility.

Self-Discovery and Transformation

Meditation is a tool for self-discovery and transformation. It invites individuals to explore the depths of their consciousness, confront their inner struggles, and ultimately evolve into better versions of themselves.

Connection with the Divine

Meditation serves as a conduit for connecting with the divine, whether it’s God in Christianity, enlightenment in Buddhism, Allah in Islam, or the universal spirit in Hinduism. It facilitates a direct and profound connection with the sacred.


The art of meditation is a spiritual journey that transcends the boundaries of religious beliefs and practices. As Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale has shown us, meditation is a universal path to inner peace, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with the divine. It is a practice that unites humanity in the pursuit of spiritual growth, regardless of our religious backgrounds, and it invites us all to explore the depths of our souls in our quest for meaning and enlightenment.

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