Sacred Spaces Around the World: A Pilgrimage Through Religions with Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds



In a world rich with diverse cultures and belief systems, the concept of sacred spaces holds a profound significance. These places, often infused with spiritual energy and cultural heritage, draw countless pilgrims and seekers from around the globe. Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale, a passionate advocate for interfaith dialogue and understanding, has embarked on a remarkable journey to explore sacred spaces across different religions. In this article, we will accompany Pastor Sharon on her pilgrimage, discovering the profound beauty and spirituality that transcends religious boundaries.

The Universal Essence of Sacred Spaces

Before we embark on our journey, let’s explore the essence of sacred spaces. These locations, revered by various religions and belief systems, share some common threads:

  1. Spiritual Significance: Sacred spaces are places where the divine and the human converge. They are regarded as sacred due to their connection to religious events, saints, or historical significance.
  2. Spiritual Energy: Visitors often describe a palpable spiritual energy within sacred spaces. This energy is thought to facilitate contemplation, meditation, and communion with the divine.
  3. Cultural Heritage: Many sacred spaces are not only religious but also cultural landmarks. They often house art, architecture, and artifacts that reflect the history and values of a particular religion or culture.
  4. Pilgrimage and Prayer: Sacred spaces frequently attract pilgrims and devotees who come to pray, meditate, or seek blessings. Pilgrimages to these sites are an integral part of many religious traditions.
  5. Interfaith Appeal: Interestingly, sacred spaces often transcend religious boundaries. Visitors from various faiths and backgrounds may find solace, inspiration, or a sense of connection within these hallowed grounds.

Now, let’s join Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale on her pilgrimage through some of the world’s most iconic sacred spaces:

  1. The Vatican City: St. Peter’s Basilica

Our journey begins in the heart of Catholicism, St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. This awe-inspiring basilica is the largest church in the world and a symbol of the Catholic faith. Pastor Sharon explores the grandeur of its architecture, the beauty of Michelangelo’s Pieta, and the significance of the Papal Mass. Here, she notes the unity and reverence that draws millions of Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

  1. Mecca, Saudi Arabia: The Kaaba

Next, Pastor Sharon takes us to the holiest site in Islam, the Kaaba in Mecca. She witnesses the annual Hajj pilgrimage, where millions of Muslims converge to circumambulate the Kaaba, emulating the actions of Prophet Ibrahim and Hagar. Here, she learns about the profound sense of unity that unites Muslims from diverse backgrounds in a common spiritual journey.

  1. Jerusalem: The Western Wall and Al-Aqsa Mosque

Jerusalem is a city of profound religious significance for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Pastor Sharon visits the Western Wall, where Jews gather to pray and place written prayers between its ancient stones. She also explores the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, where Muslims gather for prayer and reflection. In Jerusalem, she encounters the coexistence of these faiths, each cherishing their sacred spaces.

  1. Bodh Gaya, India: Mahabodhi Temple

Our journey takes a spiritual turn as we arrive at Bodh Gaya, the birthplace of Buddhism. Here, Pastor Sharon meditates under the Bodhi Tree, where Siddhartha Gautama is believed to have attained enlightenment and become the Buddha. She observes the tranquility and inner reflection that characterize this sacred site, inspiring Buddhists and spiritual seekers worldwide.

  1. Amritsar, India: The Golden Temple

In Amritsar, Pastor Sharon visits the Golden Temple, the spiritual and cultural epicenter of Sikhism. She learns about the community kitchen, or “Langar,” which serves free meals to anyone, regardless of their background. Here, she discovers the Sikh principles of equality, humility, and service that are deeply rooted in the Golden Temple’s sacredness.

  1. Kyoto, Japan: Kinkaku-ji (The Golden Pavilion)

Our journey takes us to Kyoto, Japan, where Pastor Sharon explores the Kinkaku-ji, a Zen Buddhist temple covered in shimmering gold leaf. Here, she witnesses the simplicity and harmony of Zen Buddhism, as well as the reverence with which visitors approach this serene space for meditation and reflection.

  1. Varanasi, India: The Ghats of the Ganges

Varanasi, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, is a sacred space on the banks of the Ganges River. Pastor Sharon observes the rituals of life and death that unfold at the ghats, where Hindus come to bathe in the sacred river, perform cremations, and seek spiritual purification. She discovers the deep connection between the people, the river, and their faith.

  1. Salt Lake City, USA: The Salt Lake Temple

Our journey returns to the United States as Pastor Sharon visits the Salt Lake Temple, a symbol of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Here, she learns about the faith’s teachings, including family values and community service. She observes the importance of temples in LDS theology, where sacred ordinances are performed.

The Common Threads of Spiritual Unity

Throughout her pilgrimage, Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds uncovers the universal threads that bind these sacred spaces together:

  1. Respect and Reverence: Regardless of the faith or culture, visitors approach these sacred spaces with a deep sense of respect and reverence. There is an understanding of the sanctity of these places.
  2. Unity and Communion: Sacred spaces often serve as focal points for communities and pilgrims to come together in unity and communion. They provide a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  3. Inner Peace and Reflection: Visitors seek inner peace and reflection in these spaces. Whether through prayer, meditation, or simply being present, sacred spaces offer solace for the soul.
  4. Interfaith Connections: Remarkably, many of these sacred spaces welcome individuals from various faiths. They serve as a testament to the interconnectedness of humanity’s spiritual journeys.


Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds’s pilgrimage through sacred spaces around the world is a testament to the power of spirituality and the universal human longing for connection with the divine. These sacred spaces, while rooted in different religions and cultures, share a profound commonality—a deep reverence for the sacred, a sense of unity, and an invitation for seekers of all backgrounds to find solace, inspiration, and spiritual growth.

As we reflect on this journey, we are reminded that the world’s diverse faiths and cultures have much to offer in terms of wisdom, beauty, and spirituality. Through interfaith dialogue and understanding, we can appreciate the shared values and aspirations that bind us as a global community. Pastor Sharon’s pilgrimage encourages us to explore the sacred spaces within ourselves and to embrace the richness of our collective human experience.

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