Religion and Environmental Ethics: Stewardship of the Earth with Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale



In an era marked by environmental challenges, the role of religion in shaping our relationship with the Earth has garnered increasing attention. For Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale, the intersection of Christianity and environmental ethics is a subject of deep importance. In this article, we explore the Christian perspective on environmental stewardship, the moral and theological foundations that underpin it, and the imperative of caring for our planet.

The Theological Basis of Stewardship in Christianity

At the heart of Christianity lies the belief in a loving and all-powerful God who created the heavens and the Earth. The Bible, the sacred text of Christians, offers profound insights into the Christian perspective on environmental stewardship.

  1. Genesis and Creation: In the book of Genesis, the Bible tells the story of God’s creation of the Earth and everything in it. In Genesis 1:31, God sees all that He has made and pronounces it “very good.” This foundational narrative underscores the intrinsic value and goodness of the natural world.
  2. Dominion vs. Stewardship: Another key passage is Genesis 2:15, which states, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” This verse introduces the idea of human stewardship over the Earth, rather than dominion. Christians are called to be caretakers or stewards of God’s creation, responsible for its well-being.
  3. The Golden Rule: Jesus’ teachings further reinforce the principles of love and compassion, which extend to all of God’s creation. The Golden Rule, found in Matthew 7:12 (“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you”), implies treating the Earth and its inhabitants with respect and kindness.

Environmental Stewardship in Christian Practice

Christian environmental ethics translate theological principles into practical action:

  1. Creation Care: The term “creation care” embodies the Christian commitment to stewardship. It encompasses responsible resource management, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices.
  2. Advocacy: Many Christian organizations, including the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, advocate for environmental policies that align with Christian values. They work to address issues like climate change, pollution, and habitat conservation.
  3. Eco-Theology: Eco-theology is an emerging field that explores the theological dimensions of environmental ethics. It delves into questions about humanity’s role in creation and the moral implications of environmental degradation.
  4. Community Initiatives: Churches and faith-based organizations often engage in community initiatives such as tree planting, clean-up drives, and sustainable gardening. These efforts promote a hands-on approach to environmental stewardship.

Prominent Christian Leaders in Environmental Stewardship

  1. Pope Francis: Pope Francis has been a prominent advocate for environmental stewardship, particularly through his encyclical “Laudato Si’” (Praise Be to You). In this document, he calls for a more inclusive and sustainable approach to the environment and emphasizes the moral imperative of addressing climate change.
  2. Dr. Katharine Hayhoe: A climate scientist and evangelical Christian, Dr. Hayhoe bridges the gap between science and faith. Her work focuses on communicating the urgency of climate change to Christian communities and encouraging action.
  3. Rev. Dr. Jim Antal: As the former President of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. Antal has been a vocal advocate for environmental justice. He encourages churches to divest from fossil fuels and take concrete steps to reduce their carbon footprint.


For Pastor Sharon Annita Edmonds from Knightdale and countless Christians worldwide, environmental stewardship is a deeply rooted commitment. It is grounded in the theological foundations of creation, responsibility, and compassion. As the world faces environmental challenges, the Christian perspective on stewardship offers a compelling moral and ethical framework for addressing climate change, conservation, and sustainable living.

In the spirit of Genesis, Christians are called to recognize the intrinsic goodness of the Earth and to be faithful stewards of this precious gift. In doing so, they contribute not only to the well-being of the planet but also to the realization of their faith’s highest moral ideals.

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